Wow! Learning
GO! TechUp Virtual 3D Programming
Online Robot Coding Tutorials and Home Learning Extensions for students.
Virtual 3D gamification of ARTec robots with embedded Physics engine ensure realistic visualisation of codes.
What We Offer
ArtecRobo was developed for children who have no prior experience with programming and robotics.
The curricula help to cover the following specific goals:
Understanding what an “algorithm” is
To understand how to design and write simple programs to accomplish specific goals and to work on simple forms of inputs and outputs.
Understanding selections in programs such as IF and IF-ELSE statements, Boolean logic and variables in programs.
Understanding the means of solving problems by breaking them into smaller parts and solving those parts first.
To understand “sequence”, “repetition”, “logical reasoning” to be able to explain algorithms and predict the behaviors of simple programs.
Being able to design and debug programs to accomplish specific goals after the completion of training.
Understanding arrays, nested selection/loops and functions in programs.
Being able to identify and define authentic problems and plan activities/projects to develop programming solutions.
Learning and Innovations Skills
“Learning and innovation skills increasingly are being recognized as the skills that separate students who are prepared for increasingly complex life and work environments in the 21st century, and those who are not.” (P21. Partnership for 21st Century Learning)
Special attention is given to:
Creativity and Innovation
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Communication and Collaboration
Information and Technology Skills
“Today we live in a technology and media-suffused environment with: 1) access to an abundance of information, 2) rapid changes in technology tools, and 3) the ability to collaborate and make individual contributions on an unprecedented scale. To be effective in the 21st century, citizens and workers must be able to create, evaluate, and effectively utilize information, media, and technology.”. (P21. Partnership for 21st Century Learning).
Special attention is given to:
Information Literacy
ICT Literacy
National Robotics Competition
Since 1999, Science Centre Singapore has been organizing The National Robotics Competition (NRC) with support from the Ministry of Education, various partners and sponsors. To date, the competition has attracted more than 60,000 participants and 240,000 supporters.
The ARTec Robots is selected in the Preschool category in the NRC 2023 edition.
Visit this page to learn more:
National Robotics Challenge
Directed by an independent committee, the UniversalRobotics Challenge is a more traditional programmable robotics tournament. The objective of the URC is to inspire children’s interest in the field of robotics technology as they acquire new problem-solving skills through teamwork.